
Showing posts with the label #Trend

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  Parents The biggest and most honest investors in the world are your parents, they are such investors who spend three types of capital on their children!!! Wealth §   Time (their entire life) §   Their youth/age (beauty, grace, strength) §   And these (parents) are such investors (investors) who: They sacrifice their time, age, money and their thoughts and thoughts, that too without any greed. They never thought that the one they are investing in will be able to benefit them in the future or not, without any concern or benefit, they are invested in their children, they are done and they are done... But finally, when they have reached that stage of their life, having built the mansions of their desires and the rush of life, they sacrifice all their strength on you and become weak themselves. Then, a humble desire arises in their heart, and who knows what that desire is??? Just as we strengthened the weak and faltering steps of our children, held their...

Growing Trend of Beggars in Pakistan

  The rule of beggars in Lahore city which has not been verified till date . Begging is an evil that has been considered evil in every society in the world . And this problem is not only in Lahore. This is the situation in all the cities of Punjab and all the provinces and cities of Pakistan . The people of the whole country are fed up with these professional beggars. And now their number is increasing day by day. Because it is becoming a profitable business .   Now the mafia is also involved. Who heads them. And with the changing hot and cold seasons in the country, they move easily from one city to another and from one province to another, because there is no such system to ask them . Under which they can be stopped . There are different ways for these professional beggars to beg. Bus stops Intersections Schools, colleges, universities. Hospitals, railway stations, court visits. And also found outside the cemetery. There is no place left where these professional ...