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  Parents The biggest and most honest investors in the world are your parents, they are such investors who spend three types of capital on their children!!! Wealth §   Time (their entire life) §   Their youth/age (beauty, grace, strength) §   And these (parents) are such investors (investors) who: They sacrifice their time, age, money and their thoughts and thoughts, that too without any greed. They never thought that the one they are investing in will be able to benefit them in the future or not, without any concern or benefit, they are invested in their children, they are done and they are done... But finally, when they have reached that stage of their life, having built the mansions of their desires and the rush of life, they sacrifice all their strength on you and become weak themselves. Then, a humble desire arises in their heart, and who knows what that desire is??? Just as we strengthened the weak and faltering steps of our children, held their...

Growing Trend of Beggars in Pakistan


The rule of beggars in Lahore city which has not been verified till date.

Begging is an evil that has been considered evil in every society in the world.

And this problem is not only in Lahore. This is the situation in all the cities of Punjab and all the provinces and cities of Pakistan.

The people of the whole country are fed up with these professional beggars. And now their number is increasing day by day. Because it is becoming a profitable business.

  Now the mafia is also involved. Who heads them. And with the changing hot and cold seasons in the country, they move easily from one city to another and from one province to another, because there is no such system to ask them.

Under which they can be stopped.

There are different ways for these professional beggars to beg. Bus stops Intersections Schools, colleges, universities. Hospitals, railway stations, court visits. And also found outside the cemetery. There is no place left where these professional beggars are not present. Now the situation is that they turn to the city as soon as the sun rises in the morning and even in the middle of the night they go to the shopping malls. Restaurants They stand outside hotels and various eating and drinking places and disturb all the people who come and go.

These beggars include many drug addicts

Who take the form of beggars to satisfy their drug addiction.

Those roads. Offices And they break the side windows of cars parked outside their homes and sell them. And do not shy away from stealing.

It doesn't end there.

 They carry the goods of the shopkeepers. Shopping senators and people in different places deprive them of things. Many times we see such cases where women in particular are deprived of their money. Many times these beggars have been found involved in theft even in the guise of women.

Begging is a centuries-old profession. In every age people have been seen begging. Which in general words beggar, beggar. Or is called begging. They know the art of playing with people's emotions.

Most of them are children, girls, women, the elderly and the disabled. And they take advantage of people's feelings by changing their outfits.

As time goes on, as we progress.

Similarly, beggars have learned a lot from living in a society.

And progressing over time.

  Where the use of social media is within the reach of the common man.

Many beggar groups are also active on social media.

Every beggar has a valuable mobile phone in his pocket.

They also know how to use it.

Now this is a modern way of begging on social media. The beggar in it instead of his own caste.

Asks to give money to others.

They target such people on social media.

Those who have business or good personalities.

 They inbox others with a variety of ads.

So that the next person can be impressed by this ad and help them financially.

In which they try to impress the next servant with various tricks and excuses. Or they ask for a large amount of money in the form of donation by mentioning the illness of a patient.

And use different herbs.

That the next listener should be inspired by his sad story and give something to save his life.

They manage to get a good deal of money from most people.

These professionals deserve it. The rights of the poor and needy have been robbed.

Begging is the most important issue of our society and country. This has caused many problems.

These include theft, robbery, cruelty, abuse, violence, street crime, child abduction, and even professional prostitutes who do not shy away from prostitution.

In our society, begging is traditionally tolerated by people. And encourage beggars. Which is completely wrong. They beg for religious merit.

It is also seen in many places.

  Not only in Pakistan but also in other countries people give money in the name of charity to the poor and needy.

If seen

That is why begging has become rampant.

The biggest and most obvious cause of begging is illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. Islam also teaches us to help the weak, the hungry, the destitute, the crippled and the afflicted, but we do not help these professional beggars by giving them alms, we teach them and make them skilled I should help them so that they can get rid of the curse of begging and become a part of the society and earn decent jobs.

The government should take this issue seriously at the earliest opportunity

Because the number of beggars is increasing day by day

As long as the government machinery does not formulate such policies against them, the people will continue to spend their money on these professional beggars. The government should collect data on all these professional beggars and pay special attention to their populations. Do they have national identity card or not. Are these beggars also Pakistani citizens or not. Either they are foreigners or they are not creating any problem for the peace and order of our country or they are not part of any network of an enemy country. If they are, then strict legal action should be taken against them and All groups are active. They should be prosecuted under the law.

The government should provide them with better employment opportunities. So that they can live a life of honor.

Their children should be given educational opportunities. And a regular institution should be set up which works only for beggars and forces them to live a good life. The government should set up centers and centers for them where these beggars are trained. To go

  In which they should be taught skills like computer, mobile repairing, motor mechanic, sewing, embroidery, plumbing.

And along with skills, they should be given a reasonable monthly compensation.

So that they can be a part of this society and play their best role in the development of this country.

To eradicate the scourge of beggars, the Prime Minister's Skills Program should be launched. After learning the skills, they should also be given loans on easy terms.

Beggar women after learning skills. Now she can live a successful life….. After

Young beggars on the streets and intersections……….before

When he was reformed , he came in the form of a good young man.



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