carona-19 virus


  Parents The biggest and most honest investors in the world are your parents, they are such investors who spend three types of capital on their children!!! Wealth §   Time (their entire life) §   Their youth/age (beauty, grace, strength) §   And these (parents) are such investors (investors) who: They sacrifice their time, age, money and their thoughts and thoughts, that too without any greed. They never thought that the one they are investing in will be able to benefit them in the future or not, without any concern or benefit, they are invested in their children, they are done and they are done... But finally, when they have reached that stage of their life, having built the mansions of their desires and the rush of life, they sacrifice all their strength on you and become weak themselves. Then, a humble desire arises in their heart, and who knows what that desire is??? Just as we strengthened the weak and faltering steps of our children, held their...

Informed Consent to Participate in a Research Study


                                  Informed Consent to Participate in a Research Study


Name of Researcher:

Name of Supervisor:

 I Lubna, student of MS Clinical Psychology in Forman Christian College (A charted university) is researching on a topic about cyberbullying. Through your participation researcher will be able to explore experiences of cyberbullying in university students. This study will help researcher to recommend some ethical steps to initiate by university policymaker. For this your role of participation will help in contribution towards betterment of society.

In this form I will ask few questions related to participant in a given demographic sheet. After that three questionnaires will be given to be filled. The researcher will be able to incorporate actual results with the help of participant’s honesty. Participants have chance to withdraw at any stage but they are most welcome to complete this form. The anonymity and confidentiality will be kept and the information will be only viewed by researcher and the supervisor for academic purpose.

After filling the form if you find any need to seek psychological assistance following are the details mentioned. Please feel free to contact on this email id.

Name of Researcher: Ms. Lubna, Email id:


Consent: Your signature below indicates that you have decided to participate in the study.

Research Participant

Signature ________________________________ Date ________________







Demographic Profile


There are questions given below in which, participants need to read carefully and then respond to the item which best match to their identity You are highly encouraged to take part in this research and be the one for bringing change in our society. For this you are appreciated to give answers genuinely and honestly.


Age (years):



  1. Male

b.       Female

  1. Specify (if other): ­­­­___________________


Birth Order (Specify):


Monthly Income (Specify):


Educational Qualification (choose an option):

  1. BA
  2. BSc
  3. MA
  4. MPhil
  5. MS
  6. Specify (if others): _______________________


Years of Education (Please specify year of education of the program in which you are currently enrolled):


Academic Status (Please indicate the semester or year of your continuing study program, also mark tick on the program and whether its semester or year):

1.      B. A/ B.Sc.; Semester/Year

a.       1st-semester b. 2nd-semester c. 3rd-semester d. 4th semester

b.      e. Specify other_______________




2. MA/ MPhil/MS/PhD; Semester/Year

a.       1st-semester b. 2nd-semester c. 3rd-semester d. 4th semester

e. Specify other_______________

Major (Please mention your subject in which you are majoring from the respective university):



Internet usage (For how many day, month or years in your past you were socially active on social media/app/websites?):


Time frame of Internet usage (How much time do you spend in a day i.e. 24 hours on a social media/app/website?):


Cyberbullying is a form of cybercrime in which the preparator tries to harm through social engine network i.e. sharing personal images/personal content, false rumors, memes, jokes, threats to leak personal contents, giving hate speech, pressurizing to communicate on social app/website etc. All of this has been done without consent of the victim. (Please choose an option in which you have ever experienced cyberbullying)

a.       Suffered

b.      Witnessed

c.       Heard

d.      Countered

e.       Survivor

f.       Specify (if other) ____________________________

If you ever experienced, witnessed, countered, or heard about any cyberbullying event in your past or present, whether it has caused a traumatic or shocking experience for you?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Specify (if not) ___________________________














Questionnaire 1


There are two dimensions of this scale cyber victim. For this questionnaire we are using one dimension to use scale. The dimension, "Done to me", expresses being a Cybervictim. For Cybervictim scale, the scoring is as follows: Never = 1, rarely = 2, sometimes = 3, often = 4, and always=5. Indicate your answer in the following box and mark tick the option.

(Please consider these items in the statement as have been done to you.)


Done to me






Sexual bullying in a virtual environment

making disturbing sexual noises by hiding the phone number






taking an unauthorized and inappropriate image






Sending the inappropriate images taken unauthorised to others via SMS and/or mail, posting on the net, or duplicating and distributing with CD.






Blackmailing with the inappropriate and unauthorized images taken






Disturbing someone by sending sexual message or mail even though he/she is unwilling






Forcing someone to watch sexual content or movies






Creating and spreading sexual rumours via internet/telephone






Blocking and damaging in a virtual environment

forcing someone to leave a chat room or a game site






sending messages, emails, or videos to people by using the name of someone who is aimed to be harmed






designing a website which could harm someone






hacking and destroying an e-mail address






hacking into a personal computer and intentionally harming files






Intentionally sending virus emails






threatening via internet or telephone






filling mailboxes to prevent receiving emails






Creating rumours in the virtual environment

mocking someone for the model of his phone or computer






spreading the negative information obtained about someone in the virtual environment






creating and spreading humiliating rumours via internet or telephone






spreading personal information via e-mail or message







































Questionnaire 2



Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to you. For example, do you agree that you are someone who likes to spend time with others? Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement.


Disagree strongly

Disagree a little

Neither agree nor disagree

Agree a little

Agree Strongly

1                                      2                                         3                        4                          5


I see Myself as Someone Who...


____1. Is talkative                                                     __ 23. Tends to be lazy


____2. Tends to find fault with others          ------24. Is emotionally stable, not easily upset


____3. Does a thorough job


_____4. Is depressed, blue

____25. Is inventive


____26. Has an assertive personality


_____5. Is original, comes up with new ideas                     27. Can be cold and aloof


---------6. Is reserved                                                         __28. Perseveres until the task is finished


____7. Is helpful and unselfish with others


_____8. Can be somewhat careless


_____9. Is relaxed, handles stress well

____29. Can be moody


___30. Values artistic, aesthetic experiences


____31. Is sometimes shy, inhibited


_____10. Is curious about many different things           __     32. Is considerate and kind to everyone


--------11. Is full of energy                                                       33. Does things efficiently


_____12. Starts quarrels with others                                        34. Remains calm in tense situations


_____13. Is a reliable worker                                                  35. Prefers work that is routine


_____14. Can be tense                                                            36. Is outgoing, sociable


_____15. Is ingenious, a deep thinker               __      37. Is sometimes rude to others


_____16. Generates a lot of enthusiasm

______38. Makes plans and follows through with them


_____17. Has a forgiving nature                                             39. Gets nervous easily


_____18. Tends to be disorganized                                         40. Likes to reflect, play with ideas


______19. Worries a lot                                                           41. Has few artistic interest

            20. Has an active imagination                                      42. Likes to cooperate with others


_______21. Tends to be quiet                                                 43. Is easily distracted


_______22. Is generally trusting

______44. Is sophisticated in art, music, or literature           

Questionnaire 3



Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.

1.         On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree

2.         At times I think I am no good at all.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree

3.         I feel that I have a number of good qualities.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree

4.         I am able to do things as well as most other people.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree

5.         I feel I do not have much to be proud of.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree

6.         I certainly feel useless at times.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree

7.         I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree

8.         I wish I could have more respect for myself.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree

9.         All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree


10.       I take a positive attitude toward myself.

Strongly Agree             Agree               Disagree           Strongly Disagree



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