carona-19 virus


  Parents The biggest and most honest investors in the world are your parents, they are such investors who spend three types of capital on their children!!! Wealth §   Time (their entire life) §   Their youth/age (beauty, grace, strength) §   And these (parents) are such investors (investors) who: They sacrifice their time, age, money and their thoughts and thoughts, that too without any greed. They never thought that the one they are investing in will be able to benefit them in the future or not, without any concern or benefit, they are invested in their children, they are done and they are done... But finally, when they have reached that stage of their life, having built the mansions of their desires and the rush of life, they sacrifice all their strength on you and become weak themselves. Then, a humble desire arises in their heart, and who knows what that desire is??? Just as we strengthened the weak and faltering steps of our children, held their...




 The Director and owner of Malik Heights

                                  BABAR BLOCK KALMA CHOWK GARDEN TOWN LAHORE.

Dear Sir,

             From previous fourteen years we are associated with real estate business by the name of Lodhi Estate Gulberg arcade and Gulberg II we are known for our residential and commercial projects.

             The Babar block building which is in your ownership was discussed with one of our clients which who has a great worth in marketing company . we also engaged them in outdoor visit. They are showing interest and are asking you to permit an indoor visit and are also willing to meet you. The list of our clients previous projects include pace tower, Askari Tower, main boulevard liberty round about, Hundred Mall Main M.M. Alam Road, DHA buildings.  

            Presently projects like DHA and Gulberg are operational under 20 to 30 years agreement with them. DHA’s massive project with name business hub with marketing rights is under this company.

            Sir our clients is in this market almost last 22 years from previous 12 years this company is serving in residential and commercial projects successfully under the name of KAIZEN marketing company. Sir our client is the pride of business world and a big reason to this is the business community. Collaborated with them. Multinational companies, banks, brands, corporate  offices, food chain and many like them are clients of KALZEN company. This company is not limited till Pakistan but has reached Dubai and Arabian countries. Sir as I have tried to show the worth of this client and I am hopeful that this will increase as you meet him. In shallah in short considering the interest of my client. I would be honored to share their offer and requirements with you. I will be expecting after little information you will be willing to give time to this meeting.



1.      Grey structure complete building.

2.      Grace period

3.      Leasing period extendable mutual understanding 15 to 20 years.

4.      Sub leasing / subletting rights.


1.      Rs. 65 per square feet per month including tax

2.      Increment will be 21% after every 3 years.

3.      3 month rent as a security and advance one month rent.

            Sir after meeting mutual understanding can make you proceed. Sir I am paying my duty to make you two meet on a table turning this meeting into a strong relation.

            Turning this meeting into a strong relation or an end in the beginning completely depends on the meeting of business titoons accept apology in case of any misconduct.

With best wishes.




Note: if you are interested in selling your building then client is present we will do as directed by you.

Thank you.


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