carona-19 virus

Smog and its Effects on Life

  سموگ اور زندگی  پر  اس کے  اثرات آج کل لاھور  میں سموگ کے بادل چھائے ہوئے ہیں یہ اس سموگ زہر قاتل سے کم نہیں اس نے بچوں بڑوں بوڑھوں کی زندگی کو اجیرن کر کے رکھ دیا ھے جس سے نا صرف  لاھور بلکہ سارا پنجاب اس کالی آندھی کی لیپٹ میں ھے آخر یہ زھر قاتل سموگ ھے کیا سموگ کالی یا پیلی دھند کا نام ھے جو فضاء میں آلودگی سے بنتی ھے یہ ذرات مختلف گیسیں مٹی اور پانی کے بخارات اسے مل کر بناتے ہیں اس کی بنیادی وجہ صنعتوں گاڑیوں کوڑا کرکٹ اور فصلوں کی باقیات کو جلانے سے سلفر ڈائی آکسائیڈ نائٹروجن آکسائیڈ کی بڑی مقدار میں ذرات بھی ھوا میں شامل ھو جاتے ھیں جب سورج کی کرنیں ان گیسوں پر پڑتی ھیں تو یہ سموگ کی شکل اختیار کر کے فضا کو آلودہ کر دیتی ھے اور دوسری جانب جب سردیوں میں ہوا کی رفتار کم ھوتی تو دھواں اور دھند جمنے لگتے ھیں تو یہ زہر قاتل سموگ کی شکل اختیار کر لیتے ھیں دھواں دار گاڑیوں اور آئیرکنڈشنر کے خطرناک گیسیس کا دھواں گردو غبار وغیرہ شامل ہیں سب سے بڑی ظلم کی انتہا یہ ھے کافی عرصہ سے سڑکوں پر سے سالوں پرانے درخت کاٹ کر چھوٹے چھوٹے بے کار پودے لگا دئیے گئے ہیں ج...




1.      This deed of agreement is executed on                              day of                                    2020.


Mrs.                                                                 , owner of plot No                                                                                                                                                                                                      )


Lahore development authority, though Chief Engineer TEPA (Hereinafter called as 2nd Party)

2.      Whereas, the 1st Party has submitted building plan for the construction of Commercial Building on Plot No.                                                       for 22 story buildings including 3 basements , lower ground floor and Ground Floor.

The first party has provided car parking space for 297 cars and 415 motorcycles as per requirements and bye-laws.

3.      Whereas, the 1st party agrees to provide parking space for 297 cars and 415 motorcycles as per approved plant.

4.      The 1st party also agrees to provide a proper ramp for easy access to the parking space-as per approved building plan and abide by the following:-

A.    1st Party, after the completion of Building will either manager the parking area by themselves or though elected management of the building.

B.     The developer and/or management body will ensure that at not stage the approved parking plan is altered or used for any other purpose than the parking. .

C.     The developer and/or management body shall ensure the maintenance. Security and operation of the parking area at their own cost to the entire satisfaction of 2nd party.

D.    The developer and/or management body shall post guards/ watchman to guide and regulate the sheet of the vehicles in such manner outside their building. No vehicle is parked in manner other than the approved plan.

E.     The developer and /or management will provide user-friendly condition to attract parking within the building by having audio and digital display system at the entry and reception.

F.      The developer and/ or management body will not sell any car parking area and instead allot it to the perspective buyers/occupants of the building in proportion to their entitlement so as to fix the responsibility against issues.

G.    Upon the completion of the building and in case of transfer of management to the elected authorized body. The developer will inform TEPA accordingly in: writing

H.    Total area of the plot is 39,437.00 Sft Total covered area of the commercial building is 485751 Sft whereas usable area is 335876.75 Sft and non-usable area is 153874.25 of the Commercial building.

5.      Whereas, the case of any default of any of the above said condition on the part of 1st party, the 2nd party shall be empowered to proceed against the 1st party or his authorized elected management group in accordance with the law to be penalized in the shape of fines or cancellation of building plans and to take other proper action including removal of illegal construction or any other hindrance falling in parking space or any other remedy panel action available under law.

6.       The 2nd party shall impose fine against parking agreement violation as follows:

·         Rs. 10.000/- per deficient car par month

·         Rs.1000/- per deficient motor bike per month.

·         The 1st party shall be given 1st warning along with fine and a period of one month for deposition of fine and clearance of violation.

·         After that, the 1st party shall be given 3rd warning along with four time the fine and a period of o one month for deposition of fine and clearance of violation.

·         The rates of fine are subject to change as approved by LDA for demolition / clearance of the violating structures.

7.      Whereas both the parties agree-to act upon above said agreement and have put their signature on the deed in presence of two witnesses thereof:

FIRST PARTY                                                                    




Mr. _________________________S/o ______________________________

CNIC # ________________________

Owner of Plot No. __________________














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