
I am in receipt of your notice dated 25.11.2020 in which you have
threatened to initiate litigation against the undersigned, which is absolutely
illegal and unethical. It is clarified that I have never entered into any
transaction for transfer of any of my plots situated in Olympian Cooperative
Housing Society Limited (OCHSL) in your favour or in favour of any other
person. Similarly, I have never executed the Transfer Deed(s) of any plot in
the said society or received any amount as consideration thereof either from or
any other person. According to the record of society I am still lawful owner of
the Plot(s) in Olympian Cooperative Housing Society Limited, Lahore in my
independent rights. 02. I strongly condemned the threats extended by you for
initiation of any litigation and reserve my right to initiate legal action in
case you continue to extend such threats. In the end I would advise you to
kindly withdraw your notice with immediate effect and tender apology/excuse for
extending illegal threats.